Optimisation of Dynamic Fluid-Structure Interaction Systems

  by   Wulf Dettmer

Departments Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI
DescriptionDynamic fluid-structure interaction is fundamental for flapping flight, animal swimming, robotic swimmers, wave energy converters, pumps, vascular systems, flood and storm damage and many other problems in science and engineering. The design and control optimisation for maximum functionality and efficiency is highly relevant but mathematically and computationally challenging due to the complexity of the transient coupled multi-physics problem of dynamic fluid-structure interaction. In this project, the integration of state-of-the-art black box optimisation strategies with efficient fluid-structure interaction solvers will be investigated. Bayesian optimisation and approximate gradient descent strategies will be considered. The work will focus on the shape and control optimisation of flexible soft robotic swimmers, which are currently considered by scientists for their potential use in targeted drug delivery (micro-swimmers) and for underwater exploration (artificial fish). The methodologies to be developed will be applicable to flapping flight and to many other problems. The student should have a keen interest in computer modelling and have a background in programming and scripting languages such as C++, Python or Matlab.
Preparationbackground reading on + computational fluid-structure interaction + Bayesian optimisation
Project Categories Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Science, Modelling, Software Engineering
Project Keywords Algorithms, Numerical Analysis, Optimisation, Statistical Analysis

Level of Studies

Level 6 (Undergraduate Year 3) yes
Level 7 (Masters) yes
Level 8 (PhD) yes