Assets-based e-Support for Armed Forces Veterans

  by   Fernando Maestre Avila

Departments Computer Science
DescriptionMost mHealth apps for Armed Forces Veterans (AFV) focus on treating mental health conditions and addictions and rely on national-wide government-based systems. There is scant research that investigates how technology could be designed in a way that builds upon and leverages what AFV have already in place in their local communities for exchange of information, resources, and social support. Thus, we propose to co-design a prototype of a technological intervention that will leverage the resources and assets already available in the AFV’s local community based on an assets-based design approach. We will co-create an online intervention (it could be app-based or web-based and using AI-powered features/functionality) that could help the AFV community address their needs and challenges. We envision that a co-created assets-based technology with AFV and stakeholders will allow AFV to find and access available local community-based resources in an easier and more effective way while minimising barriers related to stigma and distrust between the AFV community and support providers.
PreparationMobile app/website design and development skills required.
Project Categories Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
Project Keywords Mobile Applications, Web Applications

Level of Studies

Level 6 (Undergraduate Year 3) yes
Level 7 (Masters) yes
Level 8 (PhD) yes